Principal Clause

** Main/Independent/Principal Clause:

>An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence (i.e., it expresses a complete thought).

>An independent clause, like all clauses, has a subject and verb.

>Subject + Verb = Complete Thought.

>The independent clause is a simple sentence. For example:

  • I like coconut macaroons.
      (This is an independent clause and simple sentence.)
  • I have a cow which is red.
  • Pinku comes to me when he has time.
  • we bought a house but we again sold it.
  • I like coconut macaroons even though I dislike coconut. (This is an independent clause and a dependent clause. This is a complex sentence
  • Life is something that happens when you can’t get to sleep.
  • The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off.
  • I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.


# Link: Chomp Chomp.

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