
** Topic: Disinterested in studies for students caused by financial instability.

(Lack of stability financial and place not secure in term educative) two points discussing.

        Firstly, students are disinterested in their studies due to financial instability. If parents are having a big financial problem in their life, they cannot support students in their studies. this is because students need a lot of money for their studies especially for university students. For instance, depending in the course, in our IIUM university the fees starts to just almost RM 10000 per year especially for international students without other things like food, clothes and other pleasures. All of these situations can also cause for poor students to be dissatisfied and following that unsupportable situation they will be ended to leave their studies by undesirable things. In brief, it is clearly that financial problems are the greatest factors among of the disinterested students in their studies.

           Secondly, a place not secure in term educative may lead students to be disliked their studies. There are many places that are living delinquency people in some countries who can influence students for criminal acts. For example, the criminals living in some p;aces will involve young people to learn them bad behaviors such as smoking. Stealing, vandalism and all things about crimes. These are more dangers for students life and parents who always expect good future for their children. In addition, an unpleasant university manager could allow students to discourage in their studies. To illustrate, when students have not the maximum times of studies per week, they will be demoralized and finished to abandoning their studies, This incapacity manager in some universities shows a lack of responsibility in terms of educative which can destroy the level of students. In short, students are disliked their studies by a place not secure in term educative.

** Topic: Some people read a lot while others watch movies or play games during their free time. which do you prefer to do during your vacant time? Explain your answer.


People have different ways of spending their free time. Some people use their free time to relax by watching movies or playing online games at home while others go to the beach and watch the sunset. In my case, I spent my free time reading because it helps me improve my language proficiency and enhances my general knowledge.

** Topic: Reading book is better than reading online. Do you agree?

** People Attend College Or University For Many Different Reasons (for Example, New Experiences, Career Preparation, Increased Knowledge).

** Topic: Morning class is better than afternoon class. What is your view?


Morning class is actually a class that begins at 8:00 am and usually finishes at noon. Many students, especially those who are in the tertiary level, prefer morning classes. In my opinion, there are many advantages of attending morning classes. Being able to focus in class and early to get out of class to do other important things are some of these advantages.

** Topic: Corporal Punishment among school children should be discouraged. Do you agree?


** Topic: Older people knows everything. Therefore, there’s no need for the young ones to teach them. What is your opinion?

Thesis statement: I strongly believe that the older ones can learn from the young ones because many of the younger generation today are experts in their own fields of study and in the use of modern technology, which the older generation is not.


** Topic: Children should begin their formal education early age and should spend most of their time on school studeis. Do you agree?


** Topic: Getting married while studying in the university bring more harm than good. Do you agree?


** Topic: Every University student should be given a scholarship. Do you agree?

** Topic: Teacher should be paid according to their students achievement.

** Topic: Studying in a group is a waste of time. Do you agree?

** Topic: All students should take at least one foreign language class. Do you agree?

** Topic: Attend university is necessary for student. Do you agree?

Thesis statement: It is agreed that attending university is necessary for students because they receive opportunities for career advancement and get many friends.


** Topic: University is the better place to develop a student’s personality. Do you agree?

Reason: 1) University provides students with a wider learning area and 2) University helps students to build their future.


** Topic: Teenagers should not work. Do you agree or disagree?

**People Attend College Or University For Many Different Reasons (for Example, New Experiences, Career Preparation, Increased Knowledge). Why Do You Think People Attend College Or University? Use Specific Reasons And Examples To Support Your Answer.

  1. Increased job and social networks
  2. Occupational training
  3. Increased wealth and standard of living
Sample Essay

College is an important and unique experience for many people. However, given the wide variety of people who attend college, there must be different reason people choose to seek a degree. People enroll in college for a variety of reasons from increased involvement, to career aspirations, to personal benefit. All of these reasons are valid and unique personal motives for seeking a college education.
First of all, some people attend college for the increased job and social opportunities they receive. In many universities students have opportunities to join clubs or sports teams that give them chances to try new activities, meet new people, and create lasting friendships. These social circumstances teach people about new areas of interest and improve social skills. A college education also opens up job opportunities. Colleges require students to take a variety of classes, which give people greater knowledge of many topics. This creates more job options for students who have a university degree rather than those that don’t. Seeking a degree creates better social and educational skills, which lead to varied life options.
Another reason people attend college is for career preparation. Some occupations require specific training that students can only receive in college. For example, a doctor must receive a college degree in biology before pursuing medical school. Before receiving a teaching license, students must complete required coursework including student teaching hours. Other careers that require a college degree are nursing, engineering, and law. All of these careers paths are impossible to enter without the training opportunities created through a college education. A university degree can be a necessary path towards preparing for certain careers, or can lead into those careers once a student finds a passion for the subject.
A final reason people attend college is for personal gains. Many of the personal benefits to gaining a college education include increased wealth and standard of life. In today’s job market, those people with college degrees have a better chance of employment. Also, those jobs that require a college degree are significantly higher paying jobs. If someone is trying to improve their standard of life a college degree can offer them more money and a generally higher standard of life that comes with better employment. Some people are trying to improver their personal and family situations through the increased job benefits of a college degree.
There are obviously many reasons for attending college. Whether it is for gaining more personal experiences, pursuing a specific career, or seeking a better standard of living, almost everybody can find some positive reason for enrolling in college. Although there are obviously many other reasons that people attend college these various examples highlight the potential benefits that almost anyone can hope to gain from the college experience.


