
** Vocabulary on Technology (PDF)…Technology


** Topic: Children should not be allowed to play violent video games. Do you agree or disagree?

Thesis statement: Therefore, it is agreed that youngsters should not be allowed to play violent video games because playing these games can cause changes in their behavior and make them less sensitive to violence in the real world.


** Topic: Children should not be allowed to operate Facebook. Do you agree?

Thesis statement: Therefore, I agree that children should be allowed to use Facebook because it can expose them to danger and can distract their studies.


** Topic: Technology has made people’s lives more complicated and difficult. Do you agree or disagree?


** Topic:  Watching television is good for children. Do you agree?


** Topic: All countries should censor social network sites like Facebook and Twitter. Do you agree?


** Topic: Technology is like life which causes disasters instead of benefits to mankind. Do you agree?

Thesis statement: It is agreed that technology makes the world a better place to live in because it helps us to communicate with others and get information easier.


